The Pentateuch

What Is the Pentateuch?

The Greek word Pentateuch (“five books”) makes reference to the first five books of the Holy Bible; GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbers, and Deuteronomy. To Jews, these five book collection are known as Torah, or The Torah. Traditionally, it is believed that Moses is the author of the Pentateuch, with the exception of the last chapter of the book of Deuteronomy; chapter 34, which describes Moses’ death and burial and also describes the handing over of leadership to Joshua.

What Is the Content of the Pentateuch?

The content is a Jewish background and also the beginning of the Christian story. Today, when Jewish families gather together for a holiday, they often sit around the table or around the fire and retell—their story. This is the case when a new member of the family—a new husband or wife, for example—is brought into the family for the first time. It is tradition that the new member hears and learns the family’s story, going back through generations.

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